Once built you can select your Centurion and right click on the village. When this happens, you can kill the Chieftain and build a new garrison by demoting one of your troops and have them build it. To capture the villages of Pons and Dubis you will need to clear the area of the enemy and destroy their garrison (indicated by an orange flag), which will then force the Chieftain to leave the village. Once you have found these hiding barbarians you can then decide how you want to deal with them. Using the Hawk won’t reveal any enemy who may be hiding in dense patches of trees you will need to send your Wolf into the trees to reveal any hidden enemy. To help you against surprise attacks you have Wolf and Hawk Scout sending the Hawk out to a location will allow you to see any enemy hidden by the Fog of War. Reaching the bridge crossings will require you to move along paths and through terrain where the enemy can be hiding, ready for a surprise attack. There are two bridge points where you can build and cross the river you can build both or just one if you choose. However, before then you’ll need to build a bridge across the river for your troops. You need to meet up with Divitiacus, who has mounted noblemen at your disposal. The Crossing the River Arar mission has four objectives: Find Divitiacus, Caius Titus Must Survive, Capture the Villages of Pons and Dubis. From here you’ll have to complete objectives in order to move forward to the next mission. After a small introduction you find yourself and your troops in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. In the campaign Crossing the River Arar, you can choose to set the difficulty settings to Easy, Normal or Hard. If you’re experienced in these types of games, or just fancy learning as you play, then you can by-pass the tutorials and jump straight into the Campaign, Skirmish or Multiplayer. You’ll have scenarios to complete in each of the tutorials as you put together all that you have learned. Entering the tutorials will take you over the basics required to play the game. The tutorial consists of four chapters, the first two tutorials have an easy difficulty setting and the other two tutorials have normal settings. After selecting Campaign, you can then select to go through the Tutorials or go into the campaign Crossing the River Arar. Selecting Single Player will then give you the choice of Campaign, Load Game, Load Sequence and Skirmish. On the main menu screen, you will find Single Player, Multiplayer, Options, Credits and Quit.

Together their goal is to control not just Rome, but the Roman empire”. “The year is 59 B.C Julius Caesar has formed an alliance with Marcus Crassus, the richest man in Rome, and Pompey the Great, Rome’s most renowned general.