
Magnum 350 canister filter parts
Magnum 350 canister filter parts

magnum 350 canister filter parts

I got it for free when I bought my 110G tank, cleaned it, and it worked like a charm. Snowboi wrote:I'm currently using the Magnum 350 canister filter (not the hang on type). Sorry if I misspelled anything, havent been feeling my best. Ghost shrimp (I'm sure theres more than 2 still left) Alot of snails (2 Mystery snails, 1 small horn snail, and alot of trumpet snails) Alot of fishes (maybe 7-13, they are to fast to count them all) Ohh, if your wondering, the specs of the tank: The Marinelad 400 is basicly a noisy wave maker that has some filter media, basicly thats it. My qater quality level cant get any better. Its ran 24/7 for more than 2 months straight with no problems, prolly next month or the month after I'll change the filter media (it doesnt only have the filter sleeve, it has extra filter media, lava rocks, and carbon). The top O-ring and be annoying, and water can be spilled easily, but it does its job, its helping a worn out Marineland 400, and the tank has been clean ever since the tank was filled. But, after all, its stille a filte,r it does what its supposed to. Recently, I've been tryign to stay away from Marineland stuff, because I bought a heater, and now its not working right (can explain in PM's, so no thread jacking). I'm currently using the Magnum 350 canister filter (not the hang on type). Keep a mop and bucket handy when you disconnect it.

magnum 350 canister filter parts

Be prepared to clean this filter every 2 weeks or so. Add a filter bag of carbon or purigen to the top of the basket. Get a package of bio media like the bio rings and dump them in the media basket. IF you are stuck with the 350, here's how to set it up. If you still have the receipt for this POS, return it while you can. The shut off valves are fragile and will break. SSMcleod is being polite in his statements about this filter. The 350 does leak and make a HUGE mess when you go to clean it. The XP3/4, Fluval 05/FX5, or eheim filters as steve mentioned are much better suited for a turtle environment. You get a tiny bit of mechanical filtration from the blue sleeve that covers the basket. It's not designed to hold the large quantity of bio media you want for a turtle setup. to hold some carbon or ammonia chemical filtration. The media basket - originally called the carbon basket by marineland is designed for just that. You need a canister filter with a high flow rate and LOTS of room for biological media. However, this isn't what's needed on a day-day basis for a turtle environment. water polishing with the pleated micron filter. The magnum 350 is quite possible the worst canister still being manufactured.

Magnum 350 canister filter parts