I import my libraries via my own directory "locals" which contain many APIs, but I specifically get SFML, and done appropriately as I am able to open a window and many other stuff. This is an irritating problem that keep coming up for some reason and is always a problem to fix it. My image is in the same directory as with my. After that I run a for loop initializing a texture and image and pushing to a vector for textures which then I push to a vector of animations. Then I check to see if the the Animation array in Idle is not 0. My libraries are for sure working, but now I am not sure why the image is not loading. Currently there are 17 animations required so I have it check the JSON file and check to see if it has 17 objects. I don't understand why this is evening happening and the only message I get via the terminal is "Cannot load image. Std::cout ::iterator sprite = spriteContainer.begin() sprite != spriteContainer.end() ++sprite)įor (std::list::iterator sprite = spriteContainer.begin() sprite != spriteContainer.end() ++sprite)Ī couple weeks ago it worked flawlessly to my expectation, but now that I come back to it and I am having problems importing the image as a texture "tile.png". tPosition(sf::Vector2f(/2.0f, mousePos.y - textSize.y/2.0f)) Sf::Vector2u textSize = texture.getSize() Create sprite and add features before putting it into container check all the window's events that were triggered since the last iteration of the loopĮlse if(event.type = sf::Event::LostFocus) Sf::Vector2i mousePos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(window) run the program as long as the window is open Limit 30 frames per sec the minimum for all games Allow library to accept repeatitive key presses (i.e. tPosition( sf::Vector2i(sf::VideoMode::getDesktopMode().width/4 + sf::VideoMode::getDesktopMode().width/16, 0) ) Set game window position on the screen Sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(sf::VideoMode::getDesktopMode().height - 300, 800), "Bricks") If (json.I have come to a problem with the code below. This is also located in my player class which then I call to my Game class. Currently there are 17 animations required so I have it check the JSON file and check to see if it has 17 objects.

This function here is to initialize the textures. So I started to create a game using sfml and I have gotten to the point where I want to create a vector that contains a bunch of textures of an animation so that I can set it to the sprite. 15th October 2020 c++, game-development, sfml, vector